Skills Maintenance

Club Skills Maintenance sessions.

Skills Maintenance is complete for the 2024/25 season. 



IRB Crew and IRB Drivers are to register at 6:00am, other awards register at 7:30am for an 8am start.

Before you attend a Skills Maintenance session, you MUST ensure:

  • You have completed the online registration form to let us know which Skills Maintenance session you intend to come to.
  • You have completed the online theory.
  • You are a financial member. Membership fees for the 2024/2025 season are due by 30th Sept 2024.
  • Members who were proficient in the 2023/2024 season are not required to do a pool swim before the Skills Maintenance.
  • Non-proficient members are required to do a pool swim before the Skills Maintenance. Please download a Pool Swim form from the website and bring it completed to your Skills Maintenance session.
  • All members who hold the following awards are required to do a yearly Skills Maintenance. Bronze, SRC, IRBC, IRBD, Radio, ART, First Aid and Observers
  • Online theory: To complete the online theory, please go to eLearning > Log into eLearning > Go to training Library > 2024 Skills Maintenance > View Course > enrol. Depending on which award you hold you will need to complete the appropriate online courses. E.g. Bronze or SRC only
  •  Skills Maintenance Bulletin and pool swim assessment forms can all be found below.

Skills Maintenance Bulletin
Skills Maintenance Pool Swim Form


Skills Maintenance at other clubs
If you are unable to attend one of the Mermaid Skills Maintenance sessions, please notify the office.  An ‘away’ session may then be requested at another club on a date that you can attend.

Skills Maintenance for other clubs

If you are a current and proficient member from another club, you may be able to join one of our dates. You must contact your own club administrator and they will send the request to us.
