Courses and Awards


Surf Life Saving provides the opportunity for members to complete a wide range of awards that contribute to the operation of Club patrols and are recognized under the National Training Scheme. Members are encouraged to complete awards each season and progress their knowledge, skills and experience in Surf Life Saving. Information on awards and courses available through the Club are:


· Bronze Medallion

· Radio Operator Certificate

· Advanced Resus Technique

· First Aids

· IRB Crewman

· IRB Driver Silver Medallion

· Patrol Captain Silver Medallion

· 4WD, ATV, Tractor Operator


For more information please contact the Club’s Chief Training Officer – Ian Tannahill at [email protected]


For a current list of all available courses please visit the SLSQ Hub which can be accessed via the SLSA Members Portal E-Learning tab.


Bronze/SRC Course:
Upcoming Bronze & SRC Courses:

No upcoming courses

Bronze: Must be 15 yrs old and swim 400m in under 9 mins.
SRC: Must be 13 yrs old and swim 200m in under 5 mins.

Pool Swim form must be completed and sent to the Club office prior to the start of the course.  Please download the pool swim form here


First Aid Course:

Branch First Aid & CPR course

No upcoming courses

First Aid Prerequisites: Must be 14 yrs of age on the day of assessment.


Advanced Resus Techniques (ART) Course:
No upcoming courses

ART Prerequisites: Minimum age 15yrs.  Must hold First Aid Certs HLTAID009 & HLTAID011.


– You will need to enrol via the SLSQ Hub and you will need a USI number to complete the enrolment.  If you do not have a USI you can apply for one here

– Members who will be in Y10 to Y12 in 2023, will need their LUI number.

– The cost to patrolling members who have 4 or more patrol hours is free and $50 for everyone else.


IRB Crew and Drivers Course:
Upcoming IRB Crew and IRB Drivers Courses:

No upcoming courses

Drivers must be 17, hold a marine license and a proficient IRB Crew & Bronze Medallion
Crews must be 15, and hold a proficient bronze.


Tractor Course:

Must hold a manual car license. 4 people per date

In order to be eligible for any courses a member must be financial, registered for the current season and be contributing to the club as either an active patrolling member or those currently enrolled in a course that enables them to fulfil a patrol position such as Bronze/SRC/Observers. A member must also have a current blue card and have completed the following courses:

SLS – Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness Course



Unique Student Identification (USI) numbers:
Every member who gains a new award will need to have a USI number. Some of you will have already created one or may have one through another training provider. If this is the case, all you need to do is update this number in your SLSA members portal account. Once logged in, go to your Personal Details, then scroll down to Education and you can put the 10 digit USI number in the box. Alternatively please visit Create your USI You will require some form of ID as part of the identity verification process.

MB WWW Awards 4
MB WWW Awards 5
MB WWW Awards 6