Old Boys

The “Old Boys”, comprising over 60 ex-members, are an integral part of the Mermaid Beach SLSC Past Members group, and as such organise a number of social activities for Past Members in conjunction with the Club‘s annual programme.


Traditionally, the Old Boys hold a reunion dinner at the Club on the last Saturday in May.


The group also makes financial contributions to specific Club projects, and maintains historical links between the Club and its proud  past. While the “Old Boys” themselves boast many characters with colourful stories to tell, they welcome participation in their activities by all Past Members  – both male and female. If you would like to know more, or are a former member and wish to join  the Past Members group, please contact Graham “Curly” Wilson on [email protected]

1st active patrolling members
1st Bronze 23Dec45
1st club house 1948 sm